Wash Away the Storms

Gentle in words and pictures this book will soothe even when you weren’t aware you needed soothing, making it incredibly special. Our thanks to Tiny Tree for inviting us to share this book on the Blog and to Ffion Jones & Elena Mascolo for creating such a beautiful story.
There is something very special about being able to escape from the real world into one of fantasy and wonder. Especially when you feel as though you could be in the fantasy world yourself. This is a world of oceans and where there are oceans there are mermaids and where there are mermaids there is Whispa, the creation of Ffion Jones.
Whispa worries, about big things, medium things, small things because none of them feel small. It may seem strange but sometimes these worries keep her safe, unfortunately sometimes they whirl up and become a storm.
One night Whispa hears her mermaid friends singing, they urge her to join them but a voice in her head tells her she can’t sing, that voice gets louder, drowning out everything else until suddenly there is a storm. The storm causes the waves to grow and suck her under, she is scared until she remembers her special shell and its gentle voice reminding her she is strong, she can be brave. As she returns to the surface and floats in the calming sea she realises that storms will come and go but she can always be strong.
A powerful and practical picture book exploring anxiety and mindfulness in an beautifully accessible story.
Whispa and the Waves by Ffion Jones is published by Tiny Tree Books